Fact: Alundra Blayze’s WWE Hall of Fame induction speech was amazing

March 29, 2015

CBOl4oiWAAAvqskThe 2015 Hall of Fame headliner may be ‘Macho Man’ Randy Savage; Connor ‘the Crusher’ Michalak’s posthumous prize of the “Warrior Award” may commandeer the most column inches.

But Alundra Blayze’s acceptance speech was one that will live with me for a long time. Read the rest of this entry »

Question: what was your favourite match at Wrestlemania 30?

April 7, 2014

Wrestlemania question: how do you feel about Brock Lesnar v Undertaker?

April 7, 2014

A poll for you, after the jump, just in case people are still trying to avoid spoilers.

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Facts from Wrestlemania 30, 6th April 2014

April 7, 2014

The wrestling fan’s ersatz bank holiday weekend, Wrestlemania 30 was last night, and I had a lot of thoughts about it. Spoiler, obviously.

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Facts about Wrestlemania 29: Everyone believes in The Shield

April 8, 2013

shieldI wasn’t going to stay up to watch Wrestlemania (and indeed I went to sleep long before the end), but I was delighted to see that the first match (not counting the sadly predictable and depressing pre-show) was Sheamus, Big Show and Randy Orton v The Shield.

Call me a smark (most people do), but I’m loving seeing these boys progress to the WWE’s showcase events. Read the rest of this entry »

Review: Wrestlemania 28 – what the hell was that?

April 2, 2012

Good grief. I mean, it’s not as if I expect stellar pay-per-views from WWE any more, but I was starting to get marginally excited. (Mostly because Jon at Progress Wrestling kept telling me to expect a Kings of Wrestling run-in at the end of the pre-show tag-team title match.)

However, when you begin with an 18-second squash of your World Heavyweight Champion (YES! YES! Um – no?), you’ve kind of set a tone for the evening. Read the rest of this entry »

Breaking news: Wade Barrett is out for ages. Ladysmarks of the world weep

March 3, 2012

Ugh. Wrestlezone are reporting that Wade Barrett’s injury incurred after Elimination Chamber is more serious than initially thought, meaning he’ll be out for several months.

It also means there’ll be no Money in the Bank at Wrestlemania, because Barrett was booked to win that.

And it also means that poor Barrett is taking a break from Twitter.

This saddens me hugely. Although it would have been great to have Barrett involved in storylines while unable to compete, they won’t let him sit on commentary for four months or think up another angle for him to be involved in.

So that means we will be without Barrett, his coat and his fabulous heelery for the next quarter of a year. (For this, I blame Big Show.)

Get well soon, Wade.

Question: Who does Randy Orton think he is?

January 25, 2012

I don’t mean that in the existential sense, or in the “he hears voices in his head” confused sense. I mean that in the arrogant, self-centred, egotistical sense.

The only justifiable explanation I can think of for his comments in the most recent WWE magazine would be that it was in character. Yes, one of the company’s top faces is a mostly silent guy who acts like a heel and still gets cheered, so that might be a reason for saying:

“There’s not many guys in the locker room right now that I haven’t worked with or that I feel I can have that big WrestleMania match with. Who have I not worked with that’s anybody? Up-and-comers are being groomed to be the next top star, but will they ever get to where I’ve got?”

Dude, why are you asking these questions? Read the rest of this entry »

Rumour: there will be no WWE contract at JoMo’s palace of wisdom

October 13, 2011

I read it on the internet, so it may not be true – but could John Morrison be on his way out of WWE?

I adore the lusciously-locked, hard-abbed Prince of Parkour, but this wouldn’t be the stupidest move in the world for the WWE. And it would surely come as no surprise to Morrison himself.

Squashed on Monday Night Raw by Christian, Dolphin Ziggler, Jack Swagger and Cody Rhodes (after a match against Christian that lasted maybe two minutes); destroyed by Mark Henry last week; chucked into the fluff match at Wrestlemania; no storyline of any note. John Morrison is officially a jobber.

His last angle was his tentative entry into a feud with R-Truth back in April – you remember, that hideously embarrassing one about smoking, in which for some reason there was also a heel-turn for water. Then that was somewhat sandbagged by Morrison’s time out for a neck injury (which took longer to heal than WWE seemed to have anticipated, though anyone with any sense could have guessed that neck surgery would require a fairly lengthy recuperation time) and Truth’s subsequent development into a fabulous crazy-ass heel.

It’s ironic that Truth is now paired up in the Awesome Truth, because the last time JoMo seemed to be relevant and a part of WWE’s big-time plans was when he was tagging with Miz and presenting the Dirt Sheet. It’s been long documented that Miz and Morrison were both dedicated hard workers, giving ideas for their characters, running the ropes hours before shows were scheduled to start, and begging for their own internet show.

Yet Miz is the one who’s made the step up to main-event player, while Morrison reportedly used some of his time off to do some comedy improv classes – a worthwhile investment, I’m sure, but not really what you’d expect a relatively experienced WWE Superstar to be doing now.

Similarly, Morrison had a few matches with Ziggler pre-Wrestlemania before they were thrown into the stupid tag featuring Snooki, but since then Dolphin (with the help of the magnificent Vickie Guerrero, of course) has continued to be a solid mid-carder and developed his mic work, and even got his jaw broken by Hugh Jackman – a fine endorsement, I’m sure you’ll agree.

The internet smarks have been speculating for ages now about how Morrison’s girlfriend Melina affects his career, but apart from the fact that to do so is horribly sexist and just an old variation on the idea that women are just honeytraps hellbent on preventing their men from achieving their full potential, if JoMo was at the top of his game then there’d be no rumours about him not getting his contract renewed.

It’s a rumour I can see having more than a grain of truth in it. I fear that Morrison’s palace of wisdom will be relocated somewhere far away from the WWE Universe very shortly.